DYNASTEE has developed over more than 25 years, enormous knowledge on data analysis techniques for the assessment of energy performance in the built environment. Many European research projects (to name a few: PASSYS, PASLINK, PV-HBRID-PAS, IQ-TEST) and lately several IEA-EBC projects (Annexes 58 and 71) are the solid base for this expertise. In addition the network has contributed to the development of EPBD related standards. The strength lays in the fact that its developments are multi-disciplinary (building physics and statistics) as well as the participation of many researchers from over 40 countries. Being an open network, DYNASTEE offers, in particular to students, the possibility to be trained in the application of data analysis techniques to in-situ measured data from experiments carried out with building components and whole buildings.
Throughout all these scientific activities DYNASTEE has considered training for application of Dynamic Calculation Methods for Building Energy Performance Assessment an essential activity.
Training on data analysis has been given in the form of dedicated workshops and Summer Schools for which eight have been organized over the past 10 years. The main purpose of these Summer School is to train the students in a common methodology for evaluation of measured data arriving from on-site experimental work. Many of the dynamic methods can be seen as techniques which bridge the gap between physical and statistical modelling. During the Summer School, information on relevant software will be given and developed software tools will be used in relevant exercises.
Early 2020, the DYNASTEE management board has decided to offer training on-line, in the form of webinars. Read more about these webinars and its next occasion.
Over the years a huge number of articles and documents on the application of analysis techniques for the assessment of building energy characteristic data, have been made available to participants of workshops, meetings and conferences that DYNASTEE has organized. Below, some summary documents can be found for download as well as more detailed reports from the IEA-EBC Annex 58 project (2012-2016).
Two summary articles can be downloaded from here; one is introducing physical aspects analysis_physical_aspects.pdf while the second one introduces statistical aspects statistical_modelling.pdf of data analysis. The document Software techniques applied to thermal performance characteristics gives some further information about applied methods and tools and mentions as well benchmark data for testing these methods.
A recent extensive paper presenting the data analysis process applied to high quality data from an outdoor experiment can be downloaded for free.