Seminar on Building Modelling in the Urban Environment – Plataforma Solar de Almería, 19 – 20 September 2024
The URBAN MOME Network (Towards efficient URBAN environments through MOdelling, MEasurement, and control in the built environment) organises a Seminar on “Building Modelling in the Urban Environment” (Reduced order models, data based models, etc). This seminar is organised in the framework of the Working Group 3 of this Network on “Efficient buildings that interact with their environment”.
This Seminar will take place after the DYNASTEE Summer School, to be held in Almería 11 – 18 September 2024. Participants in the Summer School are welcome to attend the URBAN MOME and vice versa, but notice that both events require independent registration. For more information on the DYNASTEE Summer School, see
The participation in the URBAN MOME Seminar will be free and will consist in an oral presentation (10 minutes) and an optional poster. Presentations will be followed by discussion (5 minutes). Face to face participants will have the opportunity to visit Plataforma Solar de Almería. Interested participants should send title and abstract to Roberto Garay (e-mail: before the 15th of July.
The URBAN MOME is a Spanish National Network integrated by research groups of CIEMAT, TECNALIA, ITE, IREC, CARTIF and the Universities of Oviedo, Valladolid and Deusto. Additionally, the Universities of Navarra, Sevilla, Almería, and Politechnic of Madrid, Politechnic of Valencia, CIMNE and IETcc-CSIC participate as invited groups.
The general objective of this Network is to create a forum for the exchange of information and knowledge on modelling, measurement and control, in the built environment, and with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of urban environments. To this end, the following specific objectives are set:
- Integrate the most significant work groups at the (Spanish) national level that develop their activity in the lines of research related to the general objective of this Network, and identify synergies between these groups.
- Identify priority research topics on the subject of the Network during the meetings of its members.
- Share specialized knowledge among the members of the Network on modelling methodologies, monitoring, control and operation of unique scientific-technological facilities, and other specific topics of interest, through monographic seminars.
- Facilitate the coordinated participation of Spanish groups in international forums that work on issues aligned with the theme of the Urban MOME Network, as well as the interaction between this Network and said international forums.
- Dissemination of network knowledge in the scientific field with seminars aimed at researchers, and in the technological field by holding conferences aimed at professionals and companies in the sector. These seminars and conferences will have the participation of foreign researchers of recognized prestige in certain lines of research aligned with the theme of the Network.
- Facilitate the access of the scientific community to the most relevant advances, achievements and events on the subject of the Network, through the creation and regular updating of a web page.
- Favour the coordination of future research initiatives making use of lessons learned in previous experiences, and optimizing the use of resources and facilities.
- Provide these future research initiatives with access to stock of experimental data, unique scientific facilities and equipment available among the members of the network, which are key elements in research to achieve energy-efficient urban environments.
The Network is structured around four Working Groups focused on the following topics:
- WG 1: Design and planning of cities.
- WG 2: Urban energy networks.
- WG 3: Efficient buildings that interact with their environment.
- WG 4: Measures for the transition of urban environments.
Thematic Network URBAN MOME – 2023-2025. Reference: RED2022-134655-T. Funded by the Spanish National Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de investigación, AEI)